Of Mangroves Brushed Earth High




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Of Mangroves Brushed Earth High Agrandir l'image

Pius Ngandu Nkashama

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5,50 € TTC

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Pius Ngandu Nkashama Of Mangroves Brushed Earth High 1991 The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 99 pages paperback published by L'Harmattan Encres Noires collection original edition 1991. If beyond their death we said to the lovers: Dead have you found rest in your torments? They would respond wanting to be sincere: It is true our body is nothing more than dust but the fire of love burns our heart. The eyes of the body to say its pain have only dried up tears at the edge of our eyelids but the soul it has eyes all inundated with tears. The Love-Poem of Majnûn and Laylâ had been a unique song which generations of singers tried to relive with all their fervor. By taking up the canticle of Eternal Love the Poet installs Ayoub and Aneidia in the circle of immortality bordering on the impassable: an impossible encounter which ends with the hymn of Death. But what was it still the Word of Love which can also say Death? This total story is meant to be a writing in memory where man has crossed the border of freedom to join the perpetual movement of the universe. How else to proclaim it?. in VERY GOOD CONDITION complete and solid without tears or annotations; spotless interior clean and fresh; very few creases on the cover. of course grouped shipping costs in case of multiple purchases. shipping costs include postage packaging (always solid and neat with me) and travel. Perlenbook company n ° Siret 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay