I Hear You Knocking




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Dave Edmunds
MAM MAM. 1970
un nom biffé sur la pochette

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4,00 € TTC

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This pressing has a sleeve with large black font text above image at center of cover mentionning a 2nd time "Version originale" and the A-side title. CAT# on sleeve (front) : MAM 1 hit-parade version originale CAT# on sleeve (back) : MAM 1 B hit-parade Made in France Imp. A.C.E.M. - 11-70 CAT# on labels : MAM 1 B Hit-Parade (P) 1970 Tous droits [...] reserves. [...] Made in France Original recording and licensed by The Decca Record Co. Ltd. [A] Francis Day & Hunter [logo] Tracks: A: I Hear You Knocking (2:46). B: Black Bill (3:00). Contributeurs: Dave Edmunds: Producer [Produced By]