Joyeux Noël




Aucun produit en promotion en ce moment.

Roland Magdane
Flarenasch. 1980
7" Single

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0,60 € TTC

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On the back of the sleeve: Imprimé en France Extrait de l'album enregistre en public № 723 617 WE 351 Distribution [WEA Filipacchi Music logo] A Warner Communications Company On the disc labels: Ed. You-You Music (Matex) Production Flarenasch Made in France The catalogue number is listed as 721 641 on the back of the sleeve and as 721.641 on the disc labels. Tracks: A: Joyeux Noël (3:29). B: Le Petit Jésus (3:40). Contributeurs: Alain Marouani: Photography By. Roland Magdane: Written-By