Christian Constantin La Valley Of Tentations Tbe The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 160 pages paperback book published by Cabédita original 2001 edition. With this unprecedented legend undoubtedly the first of its kind in this new millennium Christian Constantin invites us to unravel the secret of Orières and its inhabitants by taking us through the streets of this village and other trails and clearings in this region of mountain where gold and love have always troubled the strongest minds. What's more normal Isn't this the kingdom of Aphrodite where until very recent times pagan practices linked to the cult of Dyonisos have found refuge. Let yourself be seduced and carried along on these paths and beautiful clearings the air of which sometimes has those bewitching scents of ancient Greece where often as Homer said: The spring land offered them / the carpet of its flowering herbs Wanting to put an end to the troubles generated by this paradise Julien young and too handsome a priest tries to convince the harsh mountain dwellers and especially their pretty daughters or wives to give up their ancestral practices. It was without counting on the appearance of Violette beautiful servant of Dyonisos. In very good shape ; complete and solid not annotated; immaculate interior clean and fresh; work not far from new condition. shipping costs include postage packaging always solid and neat with me and travel (at least 10 kms to go to the Post Office). if not I can be held responsible for a possible loss by the Post office (fact extremely rare but one never knows?). of course grouped shipping costs in case of multiple purchases. Perlenbook company Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499 828 911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay