End The Dogma Old Man sapwood Psychanalyse




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End The Dogma Old Man sapwood Psychanalyse Agrandir l'image

Michel Tort
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11,10 € TTC

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Michel Tort End The Dogma Old Man (Sapwood Psychanalyse 2005) The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. in GOOD CONDITION complete and solid without tears or annotations clean interior; some traces of folds on the cover (not much). The discourse on the decline of the father has become commonplace. This diagnosis on the bankruptcy of the paternal function is carried in the name of psychoanalysis which would rule on the attacks on the symbolic functions vital for the human psyche and their current destructuring. The rise of the formidable power of the Mothers would jeopardize the good crossing of the Oedipus. The task of psychoanalysis is rather to interpret this anguished discourse by reversing the terms of the problem. The Father is a historical construction united with the traditional forms of male domination which assures fathers the monopoly of the symbolic function. This patriarchal figure in crisis since the beginning of modernity is on the way to giving way in current democratic societies to new arrangements of parenting relationships. But the end of a father the Father of the Western Patriarchate is the end of a world - not the end of the world. The forms of becoming-subject and the exercise of the functions of the father that participate in it are historical and they are the site of power relations between the sexes. This change of perspective does not go without a critical re-examination of the constructions of Freud and Lacan on the father which are based on submission to a separating potentate. We can then lay the foundations for a positive story of fatherhood by ceasing to embroider nostalgically on the edifying story of a permanent decline. From the anti-paternal youth movement in the mid-twentieth century of which 1968 remains the symbol to the questioning of paternal violence it is a question of identifying the main aspects of the decomposition of the paternal solution its attempts to restore by tinkering with a symbolic order responsible for resisting the liquidation of the old order; but also to discern the invention of new modes of paternity linked to new gender and sex relationships. Biography: Michel Tort is a psychoanalyst professor at the University of Paris-VII. With Éric Fassin and Michel Feher he directs the Sexual Actuality seminar at ENS / Paris-VII. He is notably the author of Cold Desire. Artificial procreation and the crisis of symbolic landmarks La Découverte 1992. Summary: THE FATHER Psychoanalysis and the story of the father The Father: a psychic organization of power THE PATERNAL SOLUTION The Freudian Fathers their oedipes and those of others The father of the Lacanian New Testament Oedipus and the paternal solution THE AVATARS OF THE PATERNAL SOLUTION Decomposition of the father and other arrangements of paternity The anti-paternal movement Construction of the paternal etiology of contemporary family pathologies The recomposition of symbolic orders: the name The father and the illegitimate unconscious of single mothers The effects of divorce on the paternal function THE FATHER IN CURRENT CONTROVERSIES ON THE SEXUAL ORDER Sexes genres feminisms oedipus Sexual violence the father and psychoanalysis The father put to the test of homosexuality. in the case of multiple purchases the shipping costs increase very little (except in the event of a change in shipping method). Perlenbook company Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499 828 911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Biography: Summary: THE FATHER Psychoanalysis and the story of the father The Father: a psychic organization of power THE PATERNAL SOLUTION The Freudian Fathers their oedipes and those of others The father of the Lacanian New Testament Oedipus and the paternal solution THE AVATARS OF THE PATERNAL SOLUTION The anti-paternal movement The recomposition of symbolic orders: the name The father and the illegitimate unconscious of single mothers The effects of divorce on the paternal function THE FATHER IN CURRENT CONTROVERSIES ON THE SEXUAL ORDER Sexes genres feminisms oedipus Sexual violence the father and psychoanalysis The father put to the test of homosexuality. Perlenbook company Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499 828 911 N ° GES