Jean Stone Gerard Horse Brothers Of Industrial Committed limited




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Jean Stone Gerard Horse Brothers Of Industrial Committed limited Agrandir l'image

De Vecchi. 2004
Bon état

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7,50 € TTC

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Jean Stone Gerard Horse Brothers Of Industrial Committed (Limited of Vecchi 2004 The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 134 pages hardcover book abundantly illustrated; sold 22 euros in bookstores 'a testimony for the future' the history the news and the future prospects of the Franche-Comté SME. GOOD CONDITION ; complete and solid without tears or annotations ); clean interior and still fresh (just a small stain on the back of the cover); a small scratch at the top of the edge apart from that very good condition. No sending for DOM TOM For France the sending is always possible by the Post in colissimo (even 'letter followed' for the bulky books) but it is more expensive. of course grouped shipping costs in case of multiple purchases. Perlenbook company Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499 828 911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay