G H Lily Bush L'Ethical Sexual OF THE ' Islam Brouwer Desclée 199




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G H Lily Bush L'Ethical Sexual OF THE ' Islam Brouwer Desclée 199 Agrandir l'image

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G H Lily Bush L'Ethical Sexual OF THE ' Islam Brouwer Desclée 1990 The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. paperback 244 pages The Koran - like the Sunnah - recognizes marriage as a canonical obligation. He realizes according to Muhammad half of the faith. Moreover the pleasures of the senses that the servants of Allah may providentially experience here below are only a foretaste of the eternal pleasures which will reward the elect in Paradise. Both law and jurisprudence and all schools of Muslim theology - taking the example of the Prophet in this way - describe with great thoroughness of detail and a surprising freedom of tone all aspects of the realities of conjugal love. Facts and various facts anecdotes things seen and heard sentences and prescriptions gathered are linked here in a clear and lively exposition. This book which will amaze more than a reader of the Western world demonstrates the place given to the flesh in the Muslim economy of salvation. TABLE OF CONTENTS : Foreword Introduction of Muslim morality and its general characteristics I. THE SEXUAL ETHICS OF ISLAM 1. Preliminary considerations 2. Ethics Christian and Muslim before the satisfaction of sexual instincts II. THE SEXUAL TABOES OF THE LAW 3. The crime and sin of zina as well as other sexual offenses and sins 4. Impediments to marriage 5. Ritual impurity - Circumcision - Nudity III. LEGAL SATISFACTION OF THE SEXUAL INSTINCT 6. Legal cohabitation (remarks on slavery in general) 7. Marriage in general 8. On the great inferiority of condition made to women by Muslim law in particular from the sexual point of view 9. The intimate life of the spouses 10. Conclusions Additional Notes APPENDICES 1. Milk Kinship according to Muslim Law 2. An opinion of Leone Caetani Prince of Teano concerning the Arabic erotic vocabulary. Critical remarks AUTHOR : Georges-Henri Bousquet (1900-1978) was a French academic of liberal tendency who was very interested in economic history in liberal authors (Adam Smith Vilfredo Pareto Francesco Ferrara Clément Colson) in the Austrian school of economics ( Carl Menger Eugène Böhm-Bawerk). Secretary for the control of Austrian finances Georges Henri Bousquet was a laureate of the School of Political Sciences and the Montfort Foundation for the Study of Foreign Civilizations. He was Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Algiers where he was a specialist in the sociology of North Africa (The Berbers Islam). He is also known for his works of translation of the great Muslim authors al-Ghazâlî theologian who died in 1111 and the Tunisian historian Ibn Khaldûn (1332-1406) used in VERY GOOD CONDITION; complete and solid no tears or annotations clean interior and still fresh very few creases on the cover see many other works in my shop . for France and Belgium the shipping costs increase very little or not at all in case of multiple purchases. Perlenbook company Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499 828 911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay