Sheik Oumar Kaiser Fatoba L'Archipel Mutant Eo 1992 The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 151-page paperback work in Harmattan editions; original 1992 edition. a Central African novel not easy to find. in GOOD CONDITION complete and solid neither torn nor annotated; clean and still fresh interior. for shipping costs the proposed price is for an economy mode shipment not traceable; it is always possible for a few euros more to request a tracking and traceable mode; if not I cannot be held responsible for a possible loss by the Post office (fact extremely rare but one never knows?). of course grouped shipping costs in case of multiple purchases. Perlenbook company n ° Siret 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay