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Ghostbusters Agrandir l'image

Ray Parker J
Arista. 1984
7" Single

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7,00 € TTC

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Labels: ℗ 1984 Arista Inc. Golden Torch Music Corp. / Raydiola Music (ASCAP) From The Soundtrack LP »[url=]Ghostbusters[/url]« Outer ring: Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH München. Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH Munich. Sleeve: 'Original No.1-Hit in USA' Engineered and Mixed at Ameraycan Studios Front cover artwork back cover photos titles © 1984 Columbia Pictures Industries Inc. Distributed by the Ariola Group of Companies Printed in Western Germany by Mohndruck Graphische Betriebe GmbH Gütersloh Imprimé en République Fédérale d'Allemagne _ 2nd sleeve variant with 'Original No.1-Hit in USA'-advertising blurb on the front. [r=4022427]: 1st sleeve variant without advertising blurb. Tracks: A: Ghostbusters (3:46). B: Ghostbusters (Instrumental) (4:03). Contributeurs: Ray Parker Jr.: Performer Producer Engineer Mixed By Written-By